The memories that live with us the longest are usually attached to strong emotions such as love, hate and happiness. The Unique Expressions mission is to change the bad memories associated with math and replace them with positive ones by celebrating the unique way in which we express ourselves while learning.

The quote above, by the late Maya Angelou, has been at the foundation of my educational philosophy and is held at the core of my business. The truth is that regardless of how much you think you are teaching someone, they probably won’t remember it years down the line; they will, however, remember how you made them feel.  By celebrating the unique ways students express themselves while learning, students feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their education; they feel as though they have someone who is in their corner who cares about them as a person and not just a student. Once a student feels this way, the possibilities for where their mind can take them is endless and it up to us, as the educators, to guide them. 


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